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Martyna Galazka

Assistant Professor

I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Information Technology, Division of Cognition and Communication, at Göteborg University. My research primarily focuses on the physiological and psychological mechanisms underpinning social interactions, particularly in individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions effecting cognitive processes like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), developmental dyslexia but also individuals with specific genetic microdeletions (22q11.DS).

My work integrates the use of biometric measurements with eye-tracking and pupil reactions to study physiological reactions during social interactions and in response to social stimuli. These tools allow us to better and more objectively understand how individuals with neurocognitive deficits engage with their social environment, which is crucial for developing effective interventions.

Previously, I earned my PhD in Psychology from Uppsala University, where I examined early visual attention processes in young infants, focusing on how motion cues can be used to categorize social agency. As a postdoctoral fellow, I worked at the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Center at Sahlgrenska Academy expanding my research into clinical groups and with more focus on social and affective information processing. This foundation has significantly shaped my current research trajectory, where I continue to explore the interface between neurodevelopmental psychology and physiological responses to assess how these insights can be translated into practical training and therapy programs. Happily joining the DICE lab, I am working on a I-AIMS project where I continue to explore the link between physiological reactions to social input but this time in vehicle monitoring systems through the use LLMs, a novel type of ‘social’ stimuli.

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